After Saturday Comes Sunday

After Saturday Comes Sunday (Arabic: ba'd as-sabt biji yom al-ahad‎) is an Arabic phrase. Writers like Israel Amrani and Nissan Ratzlav-Katz attribute it to fundamentalist Muslims and interpret it to mean that after they finish dealing with the Jews (who celebrate Sabbath on Saturday), they will next deal with the Christians (who celebrate Sabbath on Sunday).[1][2]

Paul Charles Merkley writes:

Leaders of militant Islam recognize that Christianity is the most formidable opponent in the way of the full triumph of Islam that they anticipate. It is their intention to discredit Christianity, to prevent its missionary efforts by legal force and intimidation, and ultimately to return Christians already in place in their midst to the dhimmi status of the past. Muslim fundamentalists in Algeria have publicly declared their intention to "liquidate Jews, Christians, and unbelievers" In this spirit, we are to understand the slogan often seen on walls in Gaza and the West bank, and in Muslim-Arab sections of Jerusalem and Bethlehem: "After Saturday Comes Sunday!" - or, more explicitly, "On Saturday we will kill the Jews, and on Sunday we will kill the Christians."[3]


  1. ^ Israel Amrani. MotherJones MA93: Hanan Ashrawi. Mother Jones Magazine, March/April 1993.
  2. ^ Nissan Ratzlav-Katz Be Thorough, Israel. National Review Online, August 7, 2006
  3. ^ Paul Charles Merkley. Christian attitudes towards the State of Israel. McGill-Queen's Press, 2001. ISBN 0-7735-2188-7